Thursday, November 13, 2008

The end of FaceBook

Ok. Not really. But for me, yes. Three days ago, I decided to go cold-turkey from Internet surfing. That means no visiting my news stashes, MySpace, or Facebook at all. Nyet. Nix. Finis. So far, I can honestly say the results have been lovely. More time at work for social interactions and...well...productivity. More time in the evening for reading, music, being alone and content.

The bottom line is that life is really, really freaking short, and being here on earth is really, really freaking cool. Without the slightest doubt, when I'm on my deathbed I won't lament my lack of time-spent Internet surfing. But I will feel the satisfaction of having learned an instrument (when it happens), another language (Que suerte!), having taken walks and long naps outside, having spent time with friends, with kitties, with good books.

I will miss the plugged-in, hyper-aware media hound I was last week. But it's worth the sacrifice. I went to Walden, and it looked a lot like the world pre-1995.

1 comment:

  1. Erica here. I'm supposed to keep you updated, so here it is.

    I'm better on the FaceBook, MySpace, news-surfing front. Trying to limit it to once before and once after 5pm.

    Idea being that I get the best of both worlds - a little bit of engagement, and a whole lot of productivity.

    But I'll admit, sometimes all this triangulation of lifehacks makes me feel like I'm full of so much hot air...
